While blog hopping one morning I happened upon her blog. She mentioned that her daughter had her own fabric line. Did a quick search and it's with JoAnn's - go figure! So, one afternoon after teaching a class there, I wandered over to check it out and was very impressed. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree! It took over an hour to locate 10 of the 12 prints. I purchased 1/2 yard of each. This is the entire line.
A week later after teaching another class I decided to make a quick check for the remaining 2 prints. It was a weekend afternoon and if you are familiar JoAnn stores, you know that the fabrics are not a pretty site. Just as I decided to give up, I notice a customer with one of the missing prints in her hand.
This one! Her plan was to make kitchen curtains. I was a little concerned because the bolt was almost empty. She asked how much I needed and promised me she would leave me a 1/2 yard. I located the other missing print and met her at cutting counter. There was probably a yard left on the bolt when we finished!
This line was design by a young woman right out of design school - Juliana Horner. She is talented and has great design genes - go millennials! This line appeals to all ages. Immediately I knew it would make a great quilt and when I showed it to one of the my co-workers and she wanted this print to make a skirt. Quilts, curtains, skirts - so many possibilities!
I'm not writing this to promote the store. This line is good. It's premium designer cotton and it's selling fast. If you like it, suggest you get over to your local JoAnns store and pick it up at the 30% discount.